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Service Hours (Custom field) location

Hi All, I am trying to pull the Service Hours for heavy equipment but I can't that information in any other endpoints. I was told that it is in a Custom Field in Corrigo but I do not see "Service Hours" anywhere in that endpoint (customfield2). Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Brian

Create a procedure in a work order that doesn't have one yet

How do you create a procedure in a work order that doesn't have one yet? This is not working and I'm not sure what else to try. ```python pytho base_url = url + 'api/v1/base/WoProcedure/' payload = { "Properties" : ["WorkOrderId", "ID", "DisplayAs"], "Entity": { "WorkOrderId" : workOrderId, "ID" : 1111, "DisplayAs" : "ProcedureName" }, "Comment" : "Test" } query_json = json.dumps(payload) company_name_stage = "CompanyName" # Set required headers as defined by the Corrigo REST API Documentation headers = { "CompanyName": company_name_stage, "Authorization": f'Bearer {access_token_stage}', "Content-Type": 'application/json' } ## execute workorder PUT query response = requests.request("PUT", base_url, data=query_json, headers=headers, verify=False) ``` Thanks, Laura

Amazon S3 credentials for integrated third party applications

From my third party team: We already integrated this APIend point, this gives us a url of the S3 Bucket , but to access the document stored on S3 we need Permission and keys. Which are not available. We can pull up the document but doesn't allow us to view/access it without the Amazon S3 permission and keys.

Sending completion Note details with completion status payload

it’s not clear how to combine my existing payload with the new, since some parameters (like comment), were in both. Right now we are sending this body to: <https://am-helper.corrigo.com/jll-wfs/Execute> { "Region": "AM", "commandRequest": { "type": 'WoCompleteCommand', "Comment": "WO Completed", "WorkOrderId": id, //The WO ID }, You provided: { "Command": { "WorkOrderId": "1674" , "Comment": "Demo completion note", "CompletionNoteOption": 2 } } Is all I need to add to my payload this piece - ""CompletionNoteOption": 2"? So, my final would look like this: { "Region": "AM", "commandRequest": { "type": 'WoCompleteCommand', "Comment": "WO Completed", "WorkOrderId": id, //The WO ID "CompletionNoteOption": 2 }, And would the value always be 2? Just let me know – thanks!

updating pay rates and currencies values

With your help I was able to pull the pay rates and currencies. I can update the PayRate values, but not the Currencies. Using a PUT with the Employee entity, the body below will update the "IsDefault" value for the PayRates for a single Employee, but it does not update the Rate for that same Currencies entry. It also does not generate an error. I can update the Currencies directly using a PUT with the UserPayRateMoneyValues entity, but I would prefer to update them (all of them for a single employee) in a single PUT call to the Employee entity if that's possible. { "Properties":["Lastname","PayRates.IsDefault","PayRates.Currencies.Rate"], "Entity": { "ID":"768", "Lastname":"test3", "PayRates":[{"ID":"1460","IsDefault":"true","Rate":5.55}] } }

Unable to create a WO when matching the sample.

I have the following request to create a WorkOrder. It matches very closely to the example WoCreateCommand1 here: <https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/19494308/UVz1NBwd> { "Command" : { "WorkOrder" : { "Items" : [ { "Asset" : { "Id" : *redacted* }, "Task" : { "Id" : _redacted_ } } ], "Contactid": _redacted_, "TypeCategory" : 4, "SubType" : { "Id" : 262 }, "Customer" : { "Id" : _redacted_ } }, "ComputeSchedule" : true }, "RequestId" : "TST000", "Comment": "Created for manual API test" } However I get the following error: { "ErrorMessage": "{!{Service Request}!} must have contact information defined", "ErrorCode": "BUSINESS_LOGIC_ERROR", "TimeStamp": "2024-01-19T21:16:21.1185045Z", "RequestId": "TST000" } This seems to involve specific configuration of the environment I'm calling from the error name. Is there something else I'm missing? The company I am calling is "Stage KHOV"

Determine if an Employee is suspended

In Corrigo you can suspend an employee. I don't see "Status" or "IsSuspended" or anything like that in the properties of the Employee entity. Is that exposed somewhere that I just can't see?

Corrigo to PowerBI

We currently have several PowerBI dashboards that we map Corrigo data excel sheets too. Is there a way to integrate Corrigo to PowerBI through an API to pull live data? Or would all of the Corrigo data need to go to our organizations data lake/warehouse and then connect to a PowerBI?

Amazon S3 credentials for integrated third party applications

We were able to successfully connect our third party application through the provided Corrigo APIs. We succsfully pulled in asset data but we cant retrieve any documents on these assets. Corrigo stores these files in a separate amazon s3 warehouse, and when we try to connect it says we have invalid credentials. How would we get these credentials or is there some guidance you can provide? thanks

Resolving the name of a Customer Group (non-billing account) from a CustomerGroupId

Hi, Thanks for the great support provided by this forum. I am still struggling with one issue - getting the Customer Group name from a CustomerGroupId result. I'm hoping you can point me in the right direction. Using the GroupsBridge with the Customer Entity, I can get a list of CustomerIds and related CustomerGroupIds. I can use the Customer entity to resolve the Customer name. However, I can't yet find how to resolve the name of the Customer Group(s) linked to the customer. For example, in the following result, where can I find the NAME of the Customer Group that is CustomerGroupId = 1434? (Note, IsBillingaccount is false) ``` { "Data": { "GroupsBridge": [ { "CustomerId": 3285, "CustomerGroupId": 1434, "IsBillingAccount": false, "IsParentRemoved": false, "Id": 9779 } ], "ConcurrencyId": 6, "Id": 3285 } }, ``` The code used to get this sample response (one of many returned) is run using the Query API against the Customer Entity, and is: { "QueryExpression": { "Criteria": { "Conditions": \[ { "PropertyName": "Id", "Operator": "GreaterOrEqual", "Values": [ "0" ] } ], "FilterOperator": "And" }, "Distinct": true, "PropertySet": { "Properties": [ "GroupsBridge.*" ] }, "Count": 4000, "FirstResultIndex": 1} } } Thanks for any help you can provide.