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Update WorkOrder StatusId via base API

Hi, I'm looking at updating WorkOrders via the base API, specifically these actions for now: 1. Adding a document to the WorkOrder 2. Updating the StatusId (normally to mark as closed) 3. "Complete" a WorkOrder, adding a note of the work performed and backdating the action This initial query is re my attempts to update the StatusId Using the base API, I am trying to update a WO with Id = 68604 to "Cancelled" I've pasted below may basic query in Postman. The response I am getting is: { "ErrorMessage": "'body' field is null or empty", "ErrorCode": "EMPTY_INPUT_PARAMETER", "TimeStamp": "2024-03-15T16:54:26.6449587Z" } Does anyone know what input paramter I am missing here? Thanks, Graham ![](https://files.readme.io/e436c66-image.png) ![](https://files.readme.io/8073dbf-image.png)

Default Price List for customer/contract

Hi, I'm hoping someone can help me find where to get a value from via the Query API. In Corrigo application, there are some exports available under "Admin & Settings > Import/Export". One of these has name = "Contracts". The output has a default price list linked to each customer's contract. Does anyone know where I can get this same information via the API? I can't find a default price list linked to either contract or customer. Thanks for any help you can give.


Hi, If I look at Team Time Cards ("week by day" view, or "week by labour" view), there is a column headed "WO Labour". This seems to have the total of the labour on the WO, and it can differ from the "TC Labour" value, which is the time on the time card. My question is, where does the report get the "WO Total" from? I want to be able to do a reconciliation of WO time against TC time, and it would seem this "WO total" must the sum of durations coming from an entity - but which entity? Thank you for your help

Work zones not populating

We have a third integration to app through the corrigo api. Work zones were previously populating but they aren't showing up now. What could cause this issue? ![](https://files.readme.io/b19f1e0-image.png)

Contains in a query

HI I'm trying to do a query with a Contains operator and I keep getting an error '"ErrorMessage": "This condition requires 2 values while only 1 values were supplied.\\r\\nParameter name: values". I have tried Contains and Contain with the same result. See my code below. I'm searching for Procedure steps that contain the word Lighting. { "QueryExpression": { "Criteria": { "Conditions": \[ { "PropertyName": "WorkOrderId", "Operator": "Equal", "Values": ["1181159"] }, { "PropertyName": "ProcedureTemplateStep.Description", "Operator": "Contains", "Values": ["Lighting"] } ] } } }

Service Hours (Custom field) location

Hi All, I am trying to pull the Service Hours for heavy equipment but I can't that information in any other endpoints. I was told that it is in a Custom Field in Corrigo but I do not see "Service Hours" anywhere in that endpoint (customfield2). Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Brian

Create a procedure in a work order that doesn't have one yet

How do you create a procedure in a work order that doesn't have one yet? This is not working and I'm not sure what else to try. ```python pytho base_url = url + 'api/v1/base/WoProcedure/' payload = { "Properties" : ["WorkOrderId", "ID", "DisplayAs"], "Entity": { "WorkOrderId" : workOrderId, "ID" : 1111, "DisplayAs" : "ProcedureName" }, "Comment" : "Test" } query_json = json.dumps(payload) company_name_stage = "CompanyName" # Set required headers as defined by the Corrigo REST API Documentation headers = { "CompanyName": company_name_stage, "Authorization": f'Bearer {access_token_stage}', "Content-Type": 'application/json' } ## execute workorder PUT query response = requests.request("PUT", base_url, data=query_json, headers=headers, verify=False) ``` Thanks, Laura

Amazon S3 credentials for integrated third party applications

From my third party team: We already integrated this APIend point, this gives us a url of the S3 Bucket , but to access the document stored on S3 we need Permission and keys. Which are not available. We can pull up the document but doesn't allow us to view/access it without the Amazon S3 permission and keys.

Sending completion Note details with completion status payload

it’s not clear how to combine my existing payload with the new, since some parameters (like comment), were in both. Right now we are sending this body to: <https://am-helper.corrigo.com/jll-wfs/Execute> { "Region": "AM", "commandRequest": { "type": 'WoCompleteCommand', "Comment": "WO Completed", "WorkOrderId": id, //The WO ID }, You provided: { "Command": { "WorkOrderId": "1674" , "Comment": "Demo completion note", "CompletionNoteOption": 2 } } Is all I need to add to my payload this piece - ""CompletionNoteOption": 2"? So, my final would look like this: { "Region": "AM", "commandRequest": { "type": 'WoCompleteCommand', "Comment": "WO Completed", "WorkOrderId": id, //The WO ID "CompletionNoteOption": 2 }, And would the value always be 2? Just let me know – thanks!

updating pay rates and currencies values

With your help I was able to pull the pay rates and currencies. I can update the PayRate values, but not the Currencies. Using a PUT with the Employee entity, the body below will update the "IsDefault" value for the PayRates for a single Employee, but it does not update the Rate for that same Currencies entry. It also does not generate an error. I can update the Currencies directly using a PUT with the UserPayRateMoneyValues entity, but I would prefer to update them (all of them for a single employee) in a single PUT call to the Employee entity if that's possible. { "Properties":["Lastname","PayRates.IsDefault","PayRates.Currencies.Rate"], "Entity": { "ID":"768", "Lastname":"test3", "PayRates":[{"ID":"1460","IsDefault":"true","Rate":5.55}] } }